diy aquaponics japan | 5 Important Aquaponics system requirements

diy aquaponics japan

5 Important Aquaponics system requirements

Article by Wilson M

Aquaponics is an explosion of popularity and for good reason. It can be easy to set up a system of aquaponics, but there are some essential things you need to know if you want to get good results. With these five key ingredients, you can have spectacular results from its aquaponics.

1 Location of the system

When placed aquaponics system it is very important. Choose a sunny location is very important, unless it will only grow shade tolerant plants. If you are going to create a structure such as a greenhouse for your system, think of trees that may one day become a problem to grow and shade it. If you are in a windy location, shelter from the wind can be useful. Make sure that it is not in an area where there is exposure to chemicals, for the safety of fish and plants.

2 Choose the rights fish

There are many types of fish that will do well with an aquaponics system. But many species of fish are not allowed in some parts of the world. Growing fish in areas where they are against the law may have major problems with heavy fines. Some fish are more suited to different climates. If you are in a temperate climate, there are some species that will not do well and even die if you dont have a water heater to maintain the temperature of the water high enough.

3 Provide a lot of oxygen

Like us, fish need oxygen and quickly die without it. If they do not receive enough oxygen not they will grow faster and you can get sick and die. Too much oxygen is better than not enough. They can be too.

4 Nutrient additives

There are cases where fish do not provide sufficient nutrients for plants. In some cases you may want to add additional nutrients. Nitrogen, iron, calcium and potassium are common nutrients that may need to add. Many of these organic or simple mineral sources can be added. Your plants will tell you when there is shortage of nutrients if you learn that should look.

5 Planter position

You will do a great favor by placing planters at a level of comfortable work, usually waist level. In this way that can work without bending.

Aquaponics systems are an excellent way to grow fish and vegetables. It has only recently started to become popular and we have yet to see what will be the future of this revolutionary way of gardening.

Get a complete aquaponics as a guide.

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Get a complete aquaponics as a guide.

A solar greenhouse is essential if youre going to take seriously aquaponics.

aquaponics system requirements

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