diy aquaponics how to | The king of list building plugins is dead long live the king!

diy aquaponics how to

Better WordPress ContentI need to tell you about a new list-building pluin for WordPress...

But the first thing I need to address is this: there are already many other list-building plugins for WordPress, right? If youre a veteran in online marketing, you probably already own a whole bunch of them, too. So, do we really need another one?

Thats an important question and its why Im sending you this email.

If youre new to all this and you arent building your mailing list yet, just click the link below and get started right now (seriously, dont put this off any longer - its the most important thing youll ever do for your business).

For those of you whove been around the block, let me tell you about what makes this new plugin different. And then I also want to tell you about one of the most important principles in marketing - and how these guys are the first ones to really get it.

In the list-building plugins Ive used so far, here are some of the things that annoyed me the most:

1) Only one type of opt-in form?!
Honestly, this blows my mind. There are several plugins out there that only let you create one single type of opt-in form. E.g. a popup lightbox.

Like, seriously? Thats all I get?

Sure, popups are great and they are usually very effective. But is a popup always the best and most effective thing to use? On every page and in every business? Heck no!

So I have to spend more money and bog down my site with multiple plugins just to be able to have a choice. Yuck.

This new plugin gets it right and gives you all the tools in one neat package.

2) Limited design options.
You know whats bad for your conversions? When your opt-in form looks the same as everyone elses. Some plugins just make it difficult for you to create a design that matches your brand and your offer and you end up with all these sites having all the same looking opt-in forms (Im talking to you, SumoMe and OptinMonster).

But theres a bigger underlying issue as well: if you cant easily change the design of your forms, how are you ever going to build a really highly optimized, conversion boosting form? Are you just supposed to hope that the default design happens to be the best one for your site? Good luck with that!

This new plugin gets it right and includes dozens of templates and an amazingly easy editor to change anything you want.

3) A/B testing thats just dumb.
A/B testing is super important. Seriously, this is no trivial matter. It can make the difference between getting 3 leads or 50 leads a day. And if we use the good old napkin-math of 1 lead being worth $1 per month... well, you get the idea.

Unfortunately, in most list-building plugins, some A/B testing feature is tacked on as an after thought, just so they can add it as a feature to their sales page.

If you dont measure the right data, A/B testing is useless. If you are limited in what you can test and where you can test it, A/B testing is useless. If you dont collect enough data before choosing a winning variation, A/B testing is useless.

Honestly, I havent seen a single plugin that doesnt make one or several severe mistakes in their testing feature.

This brings me to the most important point in all of this. The biggest mistake you can make as a marketer is believe that you already know all the answers. Its when you think you already know what works best. You already know what the highest converting offer or highest converting copy is, just by thinking about it.

The best marketers and growth hackers have no such delusions. They know that the way to massive growth and profits is to question everything and test intelligently.

And thats what I love most about this plugin. It is built not with the attitude of "we know whats best", but with the idea of giving you the flexibility and freedom to test everything.

The kind of freedom the best Internet companies make use of and the kind of flexibility that used to require a small team of designers and developers.

These guys have just leveled the playing field by putting all that into a single (and affordable) plugin.

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